What is CBD? Here’s An Introduction to CBD Skincare and How They Can Benefit Your Skin

The hype around CBD has taken the skincare world by storm. From celebrities to influencers, everyone is raving about the benefits. So we’re here to make sure you don’t miss out on the good stuff!
Today we are going to talk about CBD and why you should make it a part of your skincare routine!
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a naturally occurring compound obtained from the Cannabis sativa plant. Over the last few years, research has shown that CBD can be beneficial to various skin concerns when mixed with an oil like hemp or coconut oil to form a CBD oil. While CBD oil in itself has beneficial properties, it is commonly used as an active ingredient in a variety of products like lotions, face masks and even lip balms.
It is important to note that CBD is one of the many cannabinoids obtained for Cannabis plants and is not responsible for the “high” people associate with Cannabis. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as THC, is the cannabinoid that gives a feeling of being high.

What are the beneficial properties of CBD?
- CBD has potential to help with acne
Of the many causes of acne, excessive oil production tops the list. Studies suggest that CBD displays anti-inflammatory properties when exposed to human sebocytes. This helps to regulate overproduction of sebum, the greasiness on your skin, by the sebaceous glands. Hence, with regular use, CBD has the potential to treat acne vulgaris.
2. CBD can help with psoriasis and eczema
Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis showcase symptoms of inflamed and red skin, extreme soreness, itching, burning, and dry skin among many more. Over the years, it has been found that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can help with these symptoms by restricting build up of dead skin cells.
3. CBD for signs of aging
Signs of aging can be caused from a number of external stressors like exposure to ultraviolet rays and pollutants. Internal factors such as a reduction of collagen production and oxidative stress can also result in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Experts believe that the antioxidant property of CBD combined with the its anti-inflammatory properties can help combat signs of aging which used with the right skin care products.
How to store your CBD products?

Safe storage of CBD oils and skincare products is key to reap optimal benefits of CBD in your skincare. Labels on CBD infused skincare products often suggest storing them in a “cool and dark” place in order to ensure the compounds do not degrade. Storing your CBD infused products in a skincare fridge is the best option! The cold temperatures support the terpenes and the cannabinoids and prolong their shelf life. Not only will the cool temperature have a soothing effect on your skin, it will also help the product to remain potent and fresh. Just make sure your product is stored in an airtight container before putting it in the refrigerator and you’re good to go!